One question we frequently hear when customers place an order is “what size greaseproof do I need?” and it’s a tricky question to answer!
Looking through our online shop with its range of popular sizes is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to possibilities. You work hard to create unique products and we believe your branded greaseproof paper should be unique too.
No two burgers are the same size, no two brownies are cut to the same dimensions, so that’s why we offer to cut your sheets to pretty much any size you need! Why waste paper by going too large or put up with something that’s just a bit too small when you can have the perfect fit?
Whilst the best advice we can give to the “how big should my sheets be?” debate is to grab your products and a measuring tape, this guide will help you gain an approximate idea for your starting point.
500 x 335mm

(The Homemade Brownie Co)
This is our largest sheet size and, at half a metre long, it’s pretty big! Perfect for lining large boxes, using as table mats or for use in display counters, this mega sheet gives you plenty of options.
Some customers cut them to their own preferred size but since we’ll do it for you at no extra cost, why not let us know what you’re looking to achieve?
250 x 335mm

(Cantina Carnitas)
Exactly half the size of our master sheets, you’ll get twice as many sheets of greaseproof branding for your money when you select this size. This size is useful for lining larger takeout boxes and baskets or wrapping takeout foods.
420 x 297mm

(Archway Fish and Chips)
This size equates to a standard A3 size sheet of paper and is a popular option for many customers. Large enough to line trays or boards, these sheets are also a good size for wrapping burgers and sandwiches and are a perfect size for creating disposable menus.
210 x 297mm

(Get Wurst Brats)
This size is the same as a standard A4 sheet of paper. Although slightly smaller in size, this sheet has the benefit of being multipurpose. It’s a good option for lining buckets, boxes and other containers but doubled up, side by side, and they can still be used as tray liners!
210 x 148mm

(Maize Blaze)
Exactly half the size of the previous example we’re starting to look at the smaller sheets now. This measurement is the equivalent to a standard A5 sheet of paper. Popular for wrapping around slimmer items such as hot dogs, they’re also useful for lining plates and adding an extra hit of branding to your table presentation.
250 x 250mm

(The Good Slice)
A popular square size, this sheet is useful for lining 10” pizza boxes and works well with pizza, cakes, donuts, and...well, anything delicious really!
160 x 160mm

(Bang Bang Burger)
Another square sheet which is perfect for use during dine in or take out. This highly popular size is a good all rounder when it comes to lining clam shell boxes, plates, baskets or popping under bowls to help elevate presentations.
Still not sure what size greaseproof paper to order? Drop us an email or call the sales team and they'll be happy to talk you through the pros and cons....but don't forget to grab that tape measure first!